Our Principles
Our philosophy is simple: assemble the best people then provide them with the best tools and resources.
We provide clients with advice and services that help them achieve their goals faster, and by helping them avoid costly mistakes and problems. When clients do find themselves in problems we provide common sense and cost effective solutions, while at the same time bringing, if necessary, the full weight of the law to bear on a solution.
The Firm is innovative and forward thinking in providing services to clients. Our staff work on matters in teams in a collaborative environment, each with sophisticated resources at their fingertips, which provides clients of the Firm with almost immediate feedback on the status of matters and unparalleled access to transactional documents. Locally, the Firm is unmatched in its successful implementation of sophisticated technological solutions, giving staff the best possible tools and resources to help them work smarter and faster, all designed to deliver value and to exceed client objectives.
The Firm maintains the highest rated production-class printers, copiers, scanners, and binding systems, which make quick work of even the most demanding and document intensive transactions. Contemporaneous posting of financial transactions, daily reconciliations, regular, automatic, and on-demand emailing of Client Account Statements (from secure accounting software), automatic cost recovery systems, 128-bit encrypted wireless access to the Firm’s LAN (to assist with information retrieval during meetings), “anywhere” access to files and accounting information, sophisticated and robust scan to email systems (to confidentially and quickly deliver hard copy documents to clients’ desktops, electronically), secure and redundant data backup solutions, electronic (as well as hard copy) archiving of client files for future retrieval of information, and financial controls and auditing by an in house Chartered Accountant are just a few of the Firm’s implementations designed to improve the quality and security of the Firm’s services to clients.
All of the above are designed to efficiently and cost effectively provide unrivalled service and solutions to clients.