Banking & Project Financing
The Firm’s work in this area includes advising on and structuring all forms of credit and security.
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Commercial Law
The Firm brings a pragmatic and solutions-focused perspective to all problems, however, this is particularly true with commercial clients and transactions. Instead of applying the same solutions to every client experiencing similar problems, the Firm takes into account all of a particular client’s circumstances to advise on and to deliver a solution that works best for the client and that meets the client’s time constraints, budgetary needs, and public relations sensitivities (if any).
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Company Formation & Management
The Saunders Management Ltd (“SML”) team offer a full range of corporate administration services, tailored specifically to each client’s needs. SML’s client base includes international companies requiring complex structures as well as individuals requiring a holding company for personal investments such as real estate, yachts, ships, and aircraft. Clients use SML for a variety of reasons including asset protection, financial planning, and off balance sheet financing.
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The Firm provides its commercial and private clients with advice and full assistance with all aspects of Immigration matters. The Firm counsels clients on the most appropriate status for each client, or its employee, from that of a Visitor’s Permit, Temporary Residence Permit, Permanent Residence Certificate, Work Permit, Emergency Work Permit, Temporary Work Permit, or citizenship (ie a grant of Belongership).
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The Firm advises on and assists with the establishment of insurance companies in the TCI. Our work in this area generally include the preparation of licensing applications, dealing with regulatory authorities and drafting of policies and insurance treaties.
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Intellectual Property
The Turks & Caicos Islands provides statutory protections for Trade Marks, Service Marks, and patents that are already registered in the United Kingdom. The Firm handles all matters in relation to trade marks, service marks, and patent protection in the Turks & Caicos Islands. The Firm is also in a position to organize registrations in most Caribbean jurisdictions.
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Legislative Affairs & Government Relations
The Firm’s work in this area draws on its members’ unique knowledge of local affairs and issues and the Firm’s extensive experience with local government and policy making. Members of the Firm have sat on advisory boards placed with the task of formulating policy and making recommendations to Government on matters that range from proposals for constitutional amendments to strata title legislation.
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Our team comprises dual qualified Turks and Caicos Attorneys and members of the English Bar. Our expertise spans a broad range of areas of corporate, commercial and property disputes. Drawing on a wide range of skills, we are able to make available the appropriate level of seniority and expertise to meet our clients’ needs.
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Property Development
The Firm has the most substantial property development practice in the Islands, representing more active developers than any other law firm. Saunders & Co is at the forefront of commercial property development activity and the Firm is the acknowledged leader in property development work.
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Residential Property
The Firm has established itself as the practice of choice and the leading law firm for vendors and purchasers of local real estate. The Firm’s work in this area includes advising on and structuring all forms of residential property purchases and sales.
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Trusts and Estates
The Firm assists clients with structuring Turks & Caicos Islands trusts and corporate structures to protect assets, to allow for the orderly transfer of wealth on death, and to minimize or defer tax, or both. The Firm’s work in this area involves liaising with clients and their foreign advisors on the local aspects of international trust structures, to provide the best vehicle for a client’s estate planning.
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